Visual Art 30:  PVSD Everywhere


Hello my Asynchronous On-line Learners!  

Here is the list of assignments you need to complete in order to earn this credit.  You got this!

Got questions?  Email

Skill and Knowledge Building Focus

Project 1:  Skill Building (The Black and White Pencil Grid Project)

Project 2:  Skill Building (The color pencil grid project)

Project 3:  The Oil or Chalk Pastel skill semi-grid building project

Project 4:  The collage skill building project (of sorts)

Cultural Historical Outcomes Focus

Project 5;  The Watercolor skill building workbook and response project (Your first time 'running with it!)

Project 6:

Project 7:

Project 8:

Critical Responsive Outcomes Focus

Project 9:

Project 10:

Project 11:

Project 12:

Creative Productive Outcomes Focus

Project 13:

Project 14:

Project 15:  Student Choice

Project 16:  Student Choice

Semester End Activities

Final Portfolio Review

Final Written Exam (Open Book)

Clean Up/Supply Return
